I saw
this challenge (in response to
this challenge) and thought I might as well accept.
Post a picture that describes my life right now. I'm not normally one to "take on challenges" or that kind of thing, but this one was so easy. It did, however, take me all weekend to post it because I was busy trying to organize a mountain of baby items.
Here it is, my life:

Saturday I had an absolutely lovely baby shower. This picture of a heap of pink tissue and gorgeous baby things says a lot but you might not be able to see it.
It shows how amazing people can be. I admit that moving here has been more difficult than I thought it would be. More often than not, I have been awkward, sulky, shy, standoffish and/or reclusive. However, there have still been so many people who are willing to be supportive of and excited for our little family. I am so undeserving of all of the love and care that we receive - much less the beautiful party and gifts!
It also shows how quickly my life has changed/is changing. A few months ago, I had never really stepped foot in the baby section of any store. I didn't even know most of these newfangled baby contraptions existed. Travel systems? Diaper genies? Huh?
Any day now, there will be a new little person. She's going to wear all of those tiny outfits and poop in all those diapers and splash around with all those bath toys. I couldn't be more thrilled! Well, to be perfectly honest, I couldn't feel a wider array of emotions than I'm feeling right now.
It also reminds me how much work I still have to do before this baby comes. Where is all of her stuff going to live?! I'm ready for her, but I don't think I'm ready for her things.
This picture also describes my life right now:

My mother-in-law suggested we take the leftover baby shower cake to stake conference and try give it away. At the time, I thought "I can finish that off." I have been working 'round the clock on it. Eventually, I might have to give up on the the actual
cake part. I'll just resort to my five-year-old self and eat all the icing with my fingers. Mmmmmmm. Are mommies allowed to do things like that?