yes, i saw this on facebook.
i read the first question and i did okay. i read the second question and i did even better. then i thought about challenging myself (out of boredom) to not look at the rest of the quiz before doing it . . . so i blindly copied and pasted and here goes!
1. he's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
most likely anything ufc, vs channel (we just started getting it again), the daily show/colbert report. he's not picky, though.
2. you're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
he doesn't really like dressing. he prefers it to have a good flavor all its own.
3. what's one food he doesn't like?
pudding. i don't know why.
4. you go out to eat and have a drink. what does he order?
we both love cherry coke. he tries to be good and have water, usually. he also loves lemonade.
5. where did he go to high school?
clarke central, right here in athens.
6. what size shoe does he wear?
ooo. i think i 9 usually. he tries on a 9 first and then, depending on the shoe, goes up or down.
7. if he was to collect anything, what would it be?
records, music, and books.
8. what is his favorite type of sandwich?
he likes ham.
9. what would he eat every day if he could?
a big fat steak.
10. what is his favorite cereal?
he actually likes raisin bran and cornflakes.
11. what would he never wear?
skinny jeans or jewelry (except his ring).
12. what is his favorite sports team?
um, we don't really watch sports too often. he likes the braves. i know he likes fyodor, the mixed martial arts fighter.
13. who did he vote for?
we didn't vote. we had just moved and we really couldn't.
14. who is his best friend?
we're pretty much as best as it gets.
15. what is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
i complain too much. sometimes i don't realize i'm even complaining.
16. what is his heritage?
english. some czech. some cherokee.
17. you bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
"if it isn't chocolate i don't want any." so chocolate. maybe some apple pie.
18. did he play sports in high school?
he talks about his little league days. there was mostly mischief in high school.
19. what could he spend hours doing?
almost anything. reading, listening to music, learning about music, working out.
20. what is one unique talent he has?
he's the most likeable person i know. he can be silly, shocking, kind, frustrated, whatever and still, everyone likes him. he's also a good judge of character and my voice of reason.
um, i think i passed!
I think you passed as well. You have a good guy there.
And I'll take his pudding that he doesn't like.
that was fun. i read the questions and tried to answer for my hubby too. and it was nice to find a bit out about your guy too.
Oh I loved reading that. I think you guys are too cute, and if you lived closer I would be tempted to stalk you...of course you wouldn't know that, you would just think I was extra friendly (kind of what shanna thinks...muah ha ha ha ha)
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