Thursday, January 8

most wanted, least wanted.

james and i were listening to our favorite podcast, this amercan life, from npr.

it included this story we hadn't heard before about these men who set out to poll people on what they most enjoyed and what they least enjoyed in music and art. after the polling, they made the most and least wanted art and music based on what they people said.

the results are interesting and hilarious!

you can listen to the most unwanted song here, at the end of the article (be warned, it is almost half an hour long!). there is also a link to the most wanted song, which i thought was just as bad.

you can view the links to the art from around the world here.

my favorite paintings are from italy.

most desired painting:

least desired painting:

thanks komar and melamid, for making us laugh so hard we cried for the first time this year.

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