Thursday, March 25

1 month.

eleanor was a month old on monday. today she had her check-up.
she was just shy of 9 lbs. she's 21 inches. in all counts, she's right in the 50th percentile.
(husband was right - we are medium people.)
she gained a pound and a half in two weeks, by the way! good little eater.

next month: vaccinations. boo.

ellie likes:

doing chores with mom
reading stories
being swaddled
her paci
big, soft blankies
rides in the car
falling asleep at the store
dancing with daddy
hugs and kisses
staying up late
holding hands
mommy and daddy's funny faces

she dislikes:

falling asleep without mommy
sleeping in her bed

she's making a lot more noise lately, mostly little grunts to let us know that she wants something. she loves sunny days and likes to have the curtains and blinds open wide. she really gets her arms and legs going when she drops her pacifier. she knows that it is within reach and she gets frustrated because she can't quite make her little hands work to get it. she fights sleep at night, keeping one eye open to make sure mommy is close. we're reading james and the giant peach and watership down. i think all of her weight is in her cheeks. we can't wait to see what she does next. we're in l-o-v-e.


Whitney said...

Bradie, I just found your blog through Juli's I hope you don't mind that I follow...? Your baby is so beautiful. I love the name, Eleanor.

We Are Three said...

I just love that age, they still let you cuddle with them. cute. cute. cute. cute!

Unknown said...

Oh, she is so so cute!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness she looks so grown up! look at her eyes! i feel like we haven't seen her in like a year! can't wait for july!

Abby Boswell said...

Wow, I can't believe she's one month. She's so cute.

Madalyn said...
